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Autor Téma: Práca v Krakowe  (Přečteno 18562 krát)

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Příspěvků: 1

« : Květen 24, 2016, 12:52:49 pm »

Are you SLOVAK/CZECH speaker and you would like to work in a beautiful city of Krakow and get attractive salary? We are a recruitment company Wipjobs based in Katowice and our current client is looking for the right candidate for the position Outbound Telesales/Telemarketing. If you have good knowledge of English, a little experience in sales or telemarketing and you are willing to work in a big multinational company, don't hesitate to contact me via PM or via email (j.lovasova[zavináč]wipjobs.com) and I will provide you with more details.
For more information about our company and other job vacancies, check our official website www.wipjobs.com or visit our page on FB (Wipjobs).
Have a nice day!
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